Monday, March 27, 2006


Feeling like a winner right now
Feeling like a damn gorgeous model right now
Feeling like a winner
I rock
I am awesome
I can't get over how awesome I am


Isn't it great when you have this feeling?

OK so I'm overstating it a bit but .... I like it when things work out the way they should. I can't imagine!!!!!!!


OK, I have said enough. Don't want anyone carting me off to the funny farm just yet. I mean, just yet! THERE IS ENTIRELY TOO MUCH TO DO!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Is there a good reason for this attitude????


Melissa said...

Other than me just gloating and being a general snot? No, not really. Its something similar to going back to one's high school reunion and seeing that the homecoming queen or most popular girl in school well... hasn't really taken care of herself ... and the cool jock that all of the girls wanted to date ... well, he's losing his hair and has a beer gut. You look at yourself and the people around you and realize just how great things are for you and how you have no cause for complaint and that may make me a bitch *I guess* but I'm sure some of you can relate.

Anonymous said...

totally can that feeling!