Monday, April 17, 2006

A great weekend!! : )

Hey all, I'm back! Took Friday off and drove down to my parents' place for Easter weekend. It was a lovely wonderful weekend and I was very happy to be there. The weather was nice too so that made it even better. Its just nice to get away every once in a while but that is a pretty long drive when you are by yourself.

So anyway, Friday out to dinner and just visited with my parents and grandparents. Saturday was a lazy day and my dad made his famous pizza for dinner and oh yeah... big Saturday breakfast too - my dad is sort of known for those. Ummm... Sunday was church and a nice Easter dinner before heading back. All of this about food, right?

Anyway, it was great! The drive back wasn't too great as the weather decided to have a meltdown. Stormed part of the way back including even a tornado WARNING in the county I was driving thru. I sort of freaked my mom out about that by telling her "Well, I looked around and I didn't see it so I just decided to keep driving." LOL! Oh well, what can ya do?

So thats about it... What do you think about someone who is not invited to a particular event or party or whatever showing up anyway? Someone who thinks that just because another relative may be invited that they are automatically entitled to attend? What the heck is up with that? A lot of people have a lot of nerve. If I didn't receive an invitation, I would never in a million years even consider that I was "entitled" to go and then actually go. People need to learn some serious manners!

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