Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The sickness

So yeah... its been a long few days. Thursday afternoon and night I am going about my business when all of a sudden my stomach started to feel a bit icky. Anyway, I just thought it was your run of the mill no big deal blahness and didn't pay too much attention. Then it got ickier and then I'm puking. Uggh... I hate it when it hits you like that! So I felt better, thought it might be one of those things... and went to bed. Woke up about 2am and puked again. I'm sure you're loving reading this. So now I realize I am sick and there is no way I'm going to work on Friday. So call in on Friday when hubby gets up to leave. Right as hubby is leaving ... me running back into the bathroom for puke #3. Blah... OK, fortunately that was all as far as that part of the bathroom fun was concerned. Of course, there was all kinds of other bathroom fun to be had, but I'll take that a million times over puking my guts out any day.

So Friday and Saturday I was pretty laid up. I mean really really bad - completely out of it. Sunday morning I felt a little better, but Sunday afternoon, oddly, it was coming back. I have learned now that that apparently is the cycle for this little illness cause Sunday afternoon hubby comes down with it but it has been much much worse for him. He has lost six pounds!

So anyway, Sunday and Monday were just hellish for him. Monday he called off work which sucks because he loses a vacation day for it cause all he has is PTO. I'm lucky, I actually have a breakdown of sick and vacation days. And I'm really lucky on that too cause I actually have four weeks of vacation and two weeks of sick. Nice!

Tuesday he went into work and lasted an hour and a half. I told him that this was a 3 day illness and not a 2 1/2 day illness. He went in today and I thought he would make it thru but he only made it til like 2pm. Better than nothing I guess. I hope they're nice to him and don't dock him anymore cause we have trips planned and he doesn't get more time added until like July of next year. Oh well, I know the important thing is that he is healthy.

So yeah, that has been our life since last Thursday. And let me tell you, its boring as hell. He was bored from Friday thru Sunday and I've been bored from Sunday thru now. Trying to take as good of care of him as I can, but you know guys. I have a few things around the apartment that I know he needs and he can just help himself to the stuff. The one thing about me when I was sick, even though I felt like crap, I was in a pretty good mood and had a good attitude about it. I guess he could be worse - he's not nearly as bad as my dad when he's sick. I just want him to get better so we can get back to normal!

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