Friday, September 26, 2003

Wednesday night after work I met up with my friend Alana who I have not seen in several years. She moved off to France for a while to work and now she and her husband are back in Chicago. It was so good to see her. We went to Alumni Club and just had a few drinks and talked, caught up and everything, told our stories of what we've been up to for the last few years. It was fun. Also updated eachother on gossip concerning our sorority sisters. We both really do not keep in touch with very many of them so it was mostly repeating old stories or stories we'd heard from others. Very interesting stuff. She's great and I hope we can get together more and hang out. I was thinking though, after hearing all of that, that I'm so glad that most of the people I'm close to now were people that I've known for a million hears (pre-IU) or people that I've met here. There's so much college crap that I can do without and would love to forget. She still has to deal with her husband's old frat brothers and all of that mess.

So Thursday night I didn't do anything all that thrilling except for go home and watch Must See TV! I'm so glad the new TV season is out because I was getting sick of watching re-runs or Discovery Channel documentaries.

Today I had to get up super early to get to work for the 7 am shift. It was just one of those mornings. So ... got up, combed the hair, threw on some clothes and tried to remember everything that I needed to pack to take down to Indy and Sullivan this weekend. I was such a mess. First off, I really did not want to get out of bed. Last night was really bizarre and I had some difficulty sleeping. Strange things happen in Chicago in the middle of the night even though I live in a nice neighborhood. At some point in the middle of the night I was awoken by a woman screaming and then heard a crash of some kind. It seemed like it happened outside. A few minutes later - but not as soon as I had thought - I heard sirens so I got out of bed thinking I was going to see some big disaster down below like someone having fallen from a balcony or something. Anyway, I'm not sure what was going on but there were like 5 cop cars and a fire engine like a block away. And being the spy that I am, I had the binoculars out. I'm not sure what was happening because I didn't see a wrecked car or a body or anything. Maybe it was just a car wreck and someone screamed when they saw it happen. I probably fell asleep right after it happened and lost track of time and they may have had it cleaned up before I got up to look.

So then when the alarm went off I was in the middle of an awesome dream and it totally ticked me off to miss the rest of it so I laid in bed for a little while listening to the radio realizing that I really needed to get out of bed and get to work. Finally did, got ready a little and just started throwing junk in my bag to take. I think I remembered everything, hopefully. I figure as long as I have money and the tickets and clothes there is no problem.

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