Friday, February 24, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

OK... I had put off reading this book for as long as I could. For one, I'm not really into reading the "trendy" book of the day - other than John Grisham who I am like addicted to. I am more interested in reading the "classics" or finding new authors on my own. But this one seemed to be one that everyone was reading so I got the book for Christmas - started it recently and just finished it today.

It is a very good book although not as gripping as how I have heard it described. Maybe its because I have watched too many of those History Channel documentaries about it before I read it or maybe ... I don't know. It is very interesting though especially a lot of the history. I sort of wonder how much of it is exactly true and how much of it is fictional.

I will have to say though, the last chapter ... that was almost worth the read. The last chapter was something - I actually felt like I couldn't breathe when I read it so... I guess I would recommend this book and say it is worth the read but just look at it with an open mind.

1 comment:

BlondebutBright said...

That book has been on my "to read" list for quite a while. I'm still looking for a used version but no luck yet!