Monday, November 27, 2006


So remember this past spring when I wrote about our kitty being sick with a urinary tract infection? Well, she seems to have it again. I just don't know. My husband isn't sure how old the cat is - he guesses somewhere between 14-15 years old. She was his dad's cat and when his dad passed away, he told him he would keep her. Anyway, so its all of the same symptoms as before. We really need to get her to the vet and get her a shot or something. I need to bug him about that. The thing is, she doesn't act sick, its just her many many many trips to the litter box that are even letting us know she is sick. He just loves the kitty so much and so do I. I hate to think of the worst but you sort of have to when they're this age. If anyone has any advice on any home remedies with cats and this sort of thing, let me know. Assuming we get this cleared up with medicine again, I'm guessing she's going to have to be on some kind of pill for keeps now or something. I read somewhere that once they get one of these - especially an older cat - they're pretty much prone to continue to get them.

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