Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Things MAY be getting better but...

Last night around 3am the said persons who did not have to work yesterday or today, as I mentioned, decided to throw a random drunken prank which I didn't find all that funny. It was really sort of nothing but they thought it was freaking hilarious. Kind of one of those things that made me roll my eyes and go back to sleep. Whatever... It was very very random.

Health-wise I seem to be doing better. Work is OK even if it has been sort of nutty here this morning. That is likely to continue for the next hour or so. I have several things I need to work on this afternoon. I hope it goes well.

Ummm... I wonder if I will ever be able to go out thru the week again. Maybe tonight? Maybe not. A lot going on and a lot of stuff upcoming that I need to work on. So we shall see.

Have some errands I need to run today - bank, grocery and stuff. Other than that, no real thrilling plans.

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