Tuesday, July 22, 2003

I am in such a good mood today! Without getting into it I am just very very very happy! Whoo-hoo!!! So let me just get that out there first. I'm so happy that I actually treated myself to a caramel macciato and a muffin at Starbucks - have to celebrate my happiness!!! Now I'm like in one of those moods where I just don't want to do anything for the rest of the day. Hmmmm... well thats not good. I wonder how much work I can put off. We'll see, I have to get into it.

So this morning I worked the early shift. I ended up taking 10 calls between 7 and 9 am?! Don't these people have anything better to do than call tech support at these ungodly times?! I mean come on!!?? Well, it wasn't too bad, mostly stuff I could answer. I ended up taking 15 calls on my phone shift. Thats a pretty busy shift.

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