Friday, July 11, 2003

Finally Friday! I am so happy this week is over. It just seems to have gone on and on and on. Didn't do too much all that spectacular last night, sort of just hung out, watched TV, talked to with my mom and surfed the net. I've been corresponding recently with a few people on genealogy issues recently so we passed some email back and forth last night. Its so nice that so many people want to help! So other than that I ended up making pizza last night. I'm such a generic cook. I made the crust by taking a Bisquick biscuit mix and adding some extra flour then I just topped it with sausage and cheese. It turned out pretty well though so I was happy.

So I ended up staying up much to last last night "doing nothing" and then I had to drag myself out of bed at 6 am to go to work because I was working the 7 am shift today. I like the 7 am shift because its quiet and usually pretty slow. Well, maybe not so slow today as I ended up taking 17 calls on my four hour phone shift. So last night I had taken a shower right before I went to bed so when I woke up this morning my hair was totally freaking out. I usually don't take showers before I go to bed because my hair does such weird things. However, its just easier to do it the night before when I have these super early shifts. So I ended up having to put a bunch of gel thru it to get it to calm down and then I just put it back in a ponytail. So, I'm not looking too cute today but who really cares. I took a cab to work and got here about 5 minutes til 7. You'd think I was crazy for volunteering to work these hours but I like the days I do this because then I have so much more time to hang out in the afternoons.

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