Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Love it! Just don't get caught ...

DALLAS -- A new line of greeting cards could help fan the flames of infidelity.

The Secret Lover Collection, created by Cathy Gallagher of Bethesda, Md., is made for those involved in an illicit affair, a niche she considers long ignored.

The collection, which will be available this month, speaks to the uniqueness of such relationships, giving lovers the opportunity to recognize holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, apologies, hookups and breakups.

One holiday card reads, "As we each celebrate with our families, I will be thinking of you."

Another card laments: "I used to look forward to the weekends, but since we met, they seem like an eternity."

"These are for people who are in love affairs," said Gallagher, who finds inspiration in movies, songs and people she knows. "These are not sex cards. Those have been done."

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