Not used to blogging so its kind of tough to come up with things to write about...
Anyway, this weekend was very low key, once again. Pretty much just hung out. Actually thats all we did.
Friday night went out for some drinks with some friends.
Saturday pretty much just hung out at home all day. In the last few days we have finished up watching the second half of the Star Wars trilogy - there was so much I had forgotten. Stopped by Ricky D's Saturday briefly for a drink or two and to sing some karaoke. I bet we weren't there more than an hour though. Met our friend's new girlfriend (or at least the girl he's dating now) and then headed home.
More of the same Sunday. Sunday was a super lazy day. We went out for lunch and then pretty much just came back and hung out. Sort of watched some of the Nascar race. Actually watched a lot of sports on TV this weekend - Nascar race, IRL race, Sox games, Cubs games.. blah blah...
We really wanted to go do something outside this weekend but the weather was so funky. I kept playing phone tag with my parents who were camping in Michigan. They wanted us to come up to South Haven for the weekend or day or whatever but with the weather and the drive, we just weren't up to it. Phone tag, also, is overstating it a bit. My mom called me three times from her cell phone and I either kept missing the calls because I just missed it or I didn't hear the phone ringing until the end because it was buried in my purse somewhere. Well, each time she called I immediately called back. Problem is my mom doesn't keep her cell phone on all the time but I thought that if I called back right away she would answer. No go. It either went straight to voice mail or rang and rang and then went to voicemail - a voicemail box, I should mention, that she has never set up. My mom is so "old fashioned" when it comes to cell phones. They are for emergency purposes only or to use free weekend minutes to "call the kids". So she calls, I don't answer, she immediately turns off the phone. One of the messages she did leave me complained about how she was "roaming" in Michigan so I question this ... 1) Did Mom actually immediately turn off the phone to save battery?; 2) Did she immediately turn off the phone because she thinks she is being charged with "roaming fees" by just having the phone ON (not talking) because it shows as "Roaming" on the little screen?; or, 3) Did the phone ring when I called back all of those times and Mom just doesn't know how to answer it? Sadly this is a real possibility. Well, whatever the cause we never did connect.
Anyway, so Sunday did some more hanging out as I mentioned and then came downtown, I cooked a yummy spaghetti dinner (leftovers tonight!) and we watched the movie "Sideways". We had seen it in the theater and it definitely looked like a keeper so I bought it a few weeks back. It just cracks him up. He LOVES that movie! I sort of think thats funny.
Anyway, thats about it for now. May be back with more later!!