Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bored out of my mind!!!!!

Blahh.... Will this day never end?

Here I am trying to eat all healthy and stuff and I end up having a huge snack this PM. Not good. Oh well... I'll just go home tonight and sweat to death and that will probably get rid of it.

Actually what I am going to do tonight as soon as I get home is start cleaning like a maniac. I have a friend bringing over a few things tonight and the place is an utter disaster. I mean... the living room... I don't want to even tell you. Its so hot and horrible even with the air conditioner, the cat is shedding like a maniac and there's nothing I can do about it. Its pointless to try and even keep up with it.

Cleaned the kitchen last night for the most part. Just a few things I need to move around and it should be fine. Need to take out the trash still. I even cleaned out and scrubbed and bleached the kitty's litter box last night so hopefully won't have to deal with that for a while.

Ugghh... I just feel such blahness about that snack... it is that time of the month though so maybe its excusable. I don't know.

So one thing from last weekend I forgot to mention was that I got the first pedicure of my life on Saturday. Yep - me who is totally freaked out by another human being touching her feet. I totally have issues about it which is why I had never done it before. But anyway, a group of friends were going so I was like OK, I'll do it. Did a normal manicure, not a full set. I'm planning o a full set in another couple of weeks. I took a break from that this summer too. Another money saver! Then I did the pedicure and you know, it wasn't too bad. There were points of it that I didn't like but I survived and I would do it again and probably will. I was a little bit stressed out and watching everything so I didn't turn the vibrating thing on the chair which I guess is supposed to be a great part of it or whatever and I had done some walking and felt like I had a little blister on one foot so that kind of bothered me but ... I guess what you could say is that I am looking forward to doing it again under ideal conditions - not freaked out, stressed out, and with unhealthy feet. LOL! I'm a freak I know.

Anyway, thats about it for now. Gonna try sneaking out of here in 20-25 minutes or so. Just want this day to end. Why do I feel so guilty about that damn snack??

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