Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Well .... it could be worse ....

This copied today to me from one of my friends to her ex-boyfriend (and yikes! she copied his mom on it too):

"I have tried to be your friend, and that was my mistake. I wish you and your family nothing but happiness. Good luck with your job search and trying to make something of your life.

I wish to no longer hear from you, either via telephone, e-mail, or even in person. I have notified building security and my employer of everything that has transpired, since the night you tried to pound in my door. Security has a picture of you, as well as your home address, phone numbers & e-mail address. If you continue to call me, I will go to the police here in Chicago, as well as in Brookfield, and even in Burr Ridge, to file a report for phone harassment. If you show up here, you'll be arrested for trespassing."

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